Description of AZS33# AZS36# AZS41# Fire Brick Fused Cast AZS Zirconia Corundum Refractory Bricks
AZS Brick is a kind of fused cast zirconia-corundum refractory brick which is short writing of abbreviation that AZS from “A” of Al2O3, “Z” of ZrO2 and “S” of SiO2. According to the difference of Al2O3 contents, the AZS bricks usually are classified into the AZS33, AZS36 and AZS41 for your Selection. Such as No. 33 fused cast zirconia-corundum refractory brick adopts the “AZS-33#” as its abbreviation, No. 36 fused cast zirconia-corundum refractory brick adopts the “AZS-36#” as its abbreviation and No. 41 fused cast zirconia-corundum refractory brick adopts the “AZS-41#” as its abbreviation.
Rongsheng Refractory Bricks Manufacturer in China also as professional AZS Zircon Corundum Brick Manufacturer, has professional manufacturing and exporting experience for more than 20 years , which will be your best choice to buy high quality AZS refractory bricks at lower price. You can contact us to visit our refractory manufacturing factory when you are convenient. You are also welcomed to contact us for more information and we will offer you the best price quotation right now.
Product Features of AZS33# AZS36# AZS41# Fire Brick Fused Cast AZS Zirconia Corundum Refractory Bricks
1. High refractoriness and high refractoriness under load.
2. Good wear-resistance, slag-resistance and alkali corrosion resistance.
3. Good thermal stability.
4. High compression strength.
5. Long service life.
Zirconium Corundum bricks fused by oxidation method have good corrosion resistance to glass liquid and low stone rate 、bubble and glass phase exudation rate ,do not pollute the glass liquid. It is mainly used in the contact parts of the glass kiln and the glass liquid, and the parts with high corrosion resistance requirements, which are selected according to the use parts.
Product Application of AZS33# AZS36# AZS41# Fire Brick Fused Cast AZS Zirconia Corundum Refractory Bricks
Fused Cast AZS33 Brick is widely used for glass furnace for superstructure, working pool side wall, paving blocks, feeder channels, tank bottom, C-shaped block and doghouse crown,и т. д.. Fused Cast AZS36 Brick is mainly used for sidewall, doghouses, throat, bottom budding, Dam blocks, electric block corners. Fused Cast AZS41 Brick is mainly used for sidewalls, doghouses, bottom budding, Dam blocks, electric block corners.
Technical Requirements For Melting
(1) Using the long arc melting process and the secondary voltage is controlled between 320-380. Using high-voltage melting in the initial stage of melting, 380V for secondary voltage , controlling 320V as secondary voltage during the refining, the arc length must reach 50-60mm.
(2) Current selection: At the initial stage of melting, keeping the current between 3500-4000 Ann, and pay attention to the three-phase electrode current Situation at any time, try to maintain the balance, If using strong current for refining, the current control at 4500 Ann.
(3) Oxygen blowing: oxygen is injected step by step, oxygen is blown twice per furnace and the pressure keep 1.4-1.6 megapascals, when the oxygen is blown oxygen lance should be inserted into 1/2 of material liquid depth, and shake slowly to make Oxidation more sufficient.
(4) Melting time: Melting time for per furnace is about 150 minutes, 120 minutes for melting and 30 minutes for refining.
(5) Casting temperature is 1850-1950°C, winter must be above 1950°C.
Parameter of AZS33# AZS36# AZS41# Fire Brick Fused Cast AZS Zirconia Corundum Refractory Bricks
Элемент | Индекс | |||
AZS33# | AZS36# | AZS41# | ||
Ал2О3 % | Balance | |||
ZrO2 % | 32 | 34 | 40 | |
SiO2 % | 16 | 14 | 12.5 | |
Fe2О3+TiO2+CaO+MgO+K2O+Na2О % | ≤2.5 | ≤2.5 | ≤2.0 | |
Bulk Density (Dense part) g/cm3 | 3.7 | 3.75 | 4.0 | |
Apparent Porosity % | 2.0 | 1.5 | 1.3 | |
Glass Phase Initial Precipitation Temperature ℃ | 1400 | 1400 | 1400 | |
Glass Phase Exudation % 1500℃×4h | 2.0 | 3.0 | 3.0 | |
Static Resistance To Liquid Glass Erosion Depth mm/24h
Ordinary Soda Lime Glass 1500℃×36h |
1.6 | 1.5 | 1.3 | |
Bubble Precipitation Rate %
Ordinary Soda Lime Glass 1300℃×36h |
2.0 | 1.5 | 1.0 | |
Specific Gravity g/cm3 | PT/QX | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3.6 |
ZWS | 3.6 | 3.6 | 3.8 | |
WS | 3.65 | 3.7 | 3.9 |
About Rongsheng Refractory Factory
As professional refractory material supplier and manufacturer, Rongsheng Refractory Фабрика is located in Xinmi city, the “Capital of Refractory” in China. We specialize in refractory products for more than 20 years, covering a full range of shaped and unshaped refractory products, such as High Alumina Series Bricks, Mullite Bricks, Corundum Series Bricks, Silica Series Bricks, Andalusite Bricks, Magnesia Series Brick, Carborundum Brick, Insulating Series Brick, Insulating and Dense Castables, also other related products for more sophisticated applications.

Certificates of Rongsheng Refractory Group
Rongsheng Refractory Group has a number of international certifications, such as,ISO9001/ISO14001/OHSAS18001/CE/SGS. Besides, Rongsheng Refractory also has a number of domestic certifications.
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6.Большие запасы. С большим запасом продукции в наличии, мы можем лучше обслуживать наших клиентов, Экономить деньги, и получить конкурентное преимущество в своей отрасли.
7. Комплексные решения. Мы предлагаем оптимальные и комплексные решения по поставке необходимого огнеупорного материала для вашей высокотемпературной печи..
8.Долгосрочные отношения. Мы верим в построение долгосрочных отношений с нашими клиентами, основанных на доверии и взаимной выгоде.. Мы стремимся обеспечить постоянную поддержку и обслуживание для обеспечения удовлетворенности клиентов. Rongsheng Refractory можно использовать во многих областях стали., Цветные металлы, стекло, цемент, керамический, нефтехимический, машины, котел, свет, и электроэнергетика. Что еще, Промышленные дистрибьюторы, огнеупорные подрядчики, агенты по продажам, торговые компании, и консультанты по огнеупорам могут извлечь выгоду из продвижения и продажи нашей первоклассной огнеупорной продукции.. С упором на долговечность, долголетие, и производительность, наши продукты разработаны, чтобы превзойти ваши ожидания и предоставить вашим клиентам наилучшие возможные результаты.
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